Rencontrer toute la côte de notre littoral, voyager entièrement downwind de kite! Avec un guide local qui connaît vraiment la région!
Sélectionnez le kitespot de votre choix, et explorer autant de la région en toute sécurité d'un guide expert in kitetrips.
Explorez près de 800 km de plages immaculées, des parcs nationaux, des lagunes étonnantes et faire KiteTrip de vos rêves!
"Le voyage que tous les kitesurfers du monde doivent faire !" Explorez la côte du Ceará, kiter 50 km par jour, aller vers les meilleurs sites et de se retrouver dans le fabuleux Parc National de Jericoacoara.
Planifiez votre kitetrip en fonction de votre style de navigation . Vague, freestyle, longue distance ou quelle que soit votre plaisir, trouverez le spot de vos rêves!
Everyone has probably already heard that the northeast coast of Brazil is the "Hawaii of kitesurfing," making reference to kitesurfing's older cousin, surfing.
But what is it that makes this region so special for practicing this sport? What attracts so many tourists from all over the world?
Have you ever stopped to think why?
There are many ways to arrive at the paradisiacal beach of Jericoacoara. Many of them are economical, such as going by bus or sharing a ride.
For me, leo viana, every Brazilian should visit the lençois just as every Muslim should visit Mecca, at least once in his life! Am I exaggerating? What can you say about 150,000 hectares of national park with more than 10,000 crystal clear natural pools/ponds, exuberant rivers, mangrove swamps and beaches as far as the eye can see? In addition to excellent fresh local food, fish and the ever hard to find and delicious "shrimp from the sea."